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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ROOTS TERRORISM DISINTEGRATION DISEASE HUNGER SINS+020808 %LACK ABSENCE INTEGRITY JUDICIAL SYSTEM PROCESS GOD+020808 %LEGAL SYSTEMIC DOMINATION SANCTUARY UNDERMINE GOOD+020808 %DUE PROCESS ARBITRARY CAPRICIOUS PREJUDICIAL BIAS+020808 %UNFAIR DISTRIBUTION WEALTH HEALTH FRUITS WORKS SEX+020808 %ESSENTIAL FOUNDATIONS PERSONAL COMMUNAL CIVILITY 020808 A judicial process lacks integrity if it functions in ways which undermine the integrity of the individual members of its community and/or in ways which undermine the integrity of the community as a whole. A judicial process which consistently enforces a legal system which lacks integrity --- is a judicial process which lacks integrity --- for the reason stated above. The integrities of a judicial system and of a legal system are essentially interdependent --- just as are the integrities of the individual members of a community, the integrities of constituent communities, and the integrities of all constituent members of all communities which are present and/or interdependent within the whole world. In a world where very few people have immunity to smallpox, any person who has smallpox is a threat to the integrity of the whole world. In a less dramatic way each person who suffers dis-ease and/or any disease --- is a threat to the integrity of the world community; as the events on and following September 11, 2001 demonstrated in dramatic ways. A community which persistently fails to be an incarnation of what it says it believes to be worthy of high respect, honor and support --- lacks integrity, and is prone to disintegrate; be it a family, neighborhood, school, church, synagogue, mosque, professional group, business, political party, city, county, state, nation, or planet as a whole. Members of a community which lacks integrity are less likely to be truly proud of their community and/or supportive of their community --- than are members of a community which consistently demonstrates integrity by being the incarnation of what it says it believes to be worthy of high respect, honor and support. A community which thoughtlessly tolerates extreme disparities in the distribution of healthy: air, water, sanitation-facilities, health-facilities, housing, schools, colleges, universities, sanctuaries, work- opportunities, etc. --- lacks integrity --- and so is unlikely to be well respected, honored and supported by people within and outside of the community. In the continued absence of respect, honor and support --- it is likely to disintegrate even further. Its people are likely to lose hope and go to extremes to express their anger, frustration and lack of respect. Some of them are likely to become terrorists who further undermine residues of integrity within their communities. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================