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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %EXCLUSIVE UNBALANCED FOCUS CONCENTRATION ATTENTION+980607 %SIMPLE BELIEF WORLD TRUTHS RELATIONSHIPS PEOPLES 980607 Some people wish for and/or believe in a simple in which effective living involves concentrating all attention upon just a very few basic ideas, ideals, values and truths. Such people are not inclined to deal openly and honestly with truly complex situations and inter- relationships. They perceive the universe through the filter of their wish for and/or belief in a simple universe; and relate to the world accordingly. We will here refer to them as simplistic people. "Simplistic" is not the same as "simple". "Simplism" according to "Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary" is "the reduction of a problem to a false simplicity by ignoring complicating factors." It is not helpful to impose any false simplicity upon a complex situation. Neither is it always possible to deal with all aspects of complex situations in each and every case. What is not helpful is COERCIVE IMPOSITION of FALSE simplicity. Yet many simplistic people are prone to engage in coercion and even violence --- in their efforts to make the world a simple place --- by trying to generate agreement within groups of people in regards to their perception of the world/reality as being very simple and free of complicating factors. They often play collusive games of mutual self-deception which entail COERCIVE IMPOSITIONS of FALSE simplicity upon others. They cannot tolerate consideration of many inter-related and often complementary ideas, ideals, values and truth --- especially if they appear to be contradictory when viewed through the selective and/or distorting filters of their form of simplism. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================