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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %REFLEXIVE DESIRE IDEAL CONTROL SATISFACTION 891207 Human ideals are reflexive; they reflect back upon the persons who embody the ideals. Human ideals are not objective realities; because they reflect back upon the persons who embody the ideals. Objective realities exist apart from the observers of the realities, who detach themselves from the realities to observe them more objectively. Objective observers cannot detach themselves from the realities of their ideals and thereby observe their ideals more objectively; i.e., more objectively in the sense of more reliably. A person's ideals may entail the ideal of being in control; and may entail the meta-ideal of being in control of reflexive realities pertaining to self and other, and pertaining to desires, pleasures, satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, happiness, self esteem, pride, humility, etc. It is a mistake to uncritically embody the ideal of being in control; for there are many realities which it is a mistake to attempt to control, and it is a meta-mistake to idealize the control of such realities. Some things are done by mistake, by an inadvertent slip, without real intention. It is relatively easy to learn from such mistakes, to recognize the nature of the mistake, and the nature of the consequences of having made such a mistake. Some mistakes originate if certain ideals which guide behavior and self evaluation; not inadvertently, but with real intention. It is hard to learn from such mistakes or to recognize the nature of such mistakes. The consequences of mistakes of intention are hard to recognize. Mistakes of intention are not intentionally made as mistakes. There is no intention to make a mistake; there is an intention to fulfill an ideal. The mistake was made in embodying an ideal which cannot be fulfilled with integrity. Once the mistake of embodying the disintegrative ideal has been made, it is difficult to recognize the nature of the mistake which was made in the act of embodying the ideal. Particularly tragic are the mistakes of embodying ideals which conceal their own disintegrative character. Particularly tragic are the mistakes of embodying the ideal of BEING IN FULL CONTROL OF: self-and/or-other, desires, pleasures, satisfactions, fulfillments, joys, happiness, self esteem, pride, humility, etc. It is particularly tragic to embody the ideal of controlling that which is essentially beyond human control. The meta- mistake of such an internalization of a controlling ideal will often conceal its own disintegrative character in such a way that it is nearly impossible for the maker or observer of the mistake to learn from the mistake. People who are trapped in collusions, addictions and codependent patterns of behavior often make such meta-mistakes in their efforts to deal with the consequences of their dishonest patterns of behavior. It is a meta-mistake to internalize the ideal of achieving control through misleading and/or dishonest behavior. Once misleading behavior has been accepted as an appropriate means for achieving the control over others, the means quickly takes over control of self and other in ultimately tragic ways which are consistent with the internalized ideal. The whole disintegrative process can be quite logical and reasonable in appearance to those who have internalized the ideal of achieving control through misleading and/or dishonest behavior. They find it nearly impossible to learn from their individual mistakes, because they made the meta-mistake of believing that they can achieve their fulfillment through the means of misleading behaviors. They made the meta-mistake of idealizing the control of that which it is foolish to try to control, and made the meta-mistake of idealizing means which control those people who internalize them; with ultimately disintegrative consequences. It is an ultimately tragic meta-mistake to idealize the control of that which is essentially beyond human control. Such meta-mistakes often lead to processes which systematically confuse the people who make such mistakes, and make it virtually impossible for them to learn from their meta-mistakes. They tend to idealize the process of covering up their ordinary mistakes, as a means to avoid the pain of admitting that they have made a tragic meta- mistake, in trying to control what which cannot be controlled. Dishonesty become a sophisticated way of life which is highly respected and idealized in meta-mistaken ways. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================